Hi there, welcome to my little corner of the web! I’ve been online since my days at The Walt Disney Company.
Even though my job at Disney had nothing to do with the internet, I learned HTML and web programming on my own, knowing that eventually these skills would come in handy. When the Vice President I worked for decided we needed a web presence, guess who got to develop one of the first department websites? It was just the opening I needed to create my dream job, developing database driven intranet applications. I was in heaven!
All of that changed when I went out on maternity leave to have my darling triplets in 1997. Having 3 babies at once was a big shock, and it changed the way I thought of work. Even though I loved working for Disney, I wanted to be near my babies. Eventually I was able to work out a telecommuting arrangement that allowed me to work from home a couple days a week so I could keep an eye on them (and the nanny).
When the kids turned 3, I left Disney and became a consultant … for Disney. That worked well until consulting dollars dried up after 9/11. It was at that point that I became permanently self-employed. Not the ideal way to do it for sure, but I had a few small business clients already from word of mouth.
I wrote my first book “How to Promote Your Local Business on the Internet”. I also developed a couple of masters courses for SiteSell.com. From there it was product development, mostly how to product and tools, serving primarily offline marketers.
In 2003 we moved to Houston to be near family. At this point I stumbled into lead generation, and actually did quite well at affiliate marketing on a CPA (Cost Per Action) basis generating leads.
Like many baby boomers, I’ve become more health conscious over the last few years. In 2016 I lost a lot of weight and felt terrific. Started weight lifting in 2017, lost another 15 pounds and felt great. Tried yoga in 2018 — not a fan, but it was interesting.
Now, I’ve published my weight loss memoir, “The Click” and have several more books and courses in the works. Stay tuned!